
Technical university Delft

Design Experience / Form Experience - How does a designer create an optimal product experience for the use? In this first year course students learn how form, color, texture and material affect the functional, emotional and cultural dimensions of a product. Students learn how to express emotive and stylistic qualities across variety of media and fabrication methods over the course of this module.

PO2 Concept Design - Designers learn best by doing. In this hands-on first year course, students learn about each step in the design cycle, from brief to desk research, to problem definition and from ideation and concept development to prototyping and user testing.

Zen and the Art of Design - How do rituals affect our life? Where has technology caused a loss of quality and connection with our social and natural surroundings? In this elective of the Masters curriculum students practice the Zen Design Method. Focusing first on designing rituals and interactions that bring back a lost quality, students develop storyboards and an emotive and memetic vision before thinking about embodiment design. A major part of this course is the development of a true-to-life model of the designs.

Memetic Product Design - Memes are replicable units of cultural information, similar to what genes are for the human body. Memes can be songs, gestures, words, color schemes or forms. The idea was developed by Richard Dawkins in the 1970s, and is now used to challenge students to design for a particular lifestyle group by identifying memetic characteristics. A major part of this course is the development of a true-to-life model of the designs.

Automotive 3D - If you could design a car, motorbike or other motorized vehicle, what would you make? In this course, students develop a vision for a transportation device based on a user context they picked, from elderly transport to off-road racing to self-driving vehicles. The challenge really starts when designs have to be translate from 2D sketches to 3D scaled clay models.


InHolland Hogeschool Delft

Engineering & Entrepreneurship - A morning workshop in which engineering students get acquainted with and learn to apply brand character & storytelling theory to marketing, communication and product design.